Christ Centred


Secular schools claim to be religiously neutral, but they function according to a design that says that God is not relevant to education. Their claimed neutrality asserts that mankind is the ultimate determiner of truth and reality.

Those who determine what young people are taught and what they experience - what they see, hear, think and believe - will set the course for the future. All schools shape the minds of the children under their care, and therefore our society's future leaders. A Christian school is of considerable benefit as our children learn their place in society, where they fit and what they can contribute as Christians in a secular world.

Christian schools offer spiritual training which Is not available in non-Christian schools. Christian schools can teach the whole child, the whole truth, the whole time - academically, spiritually, physically, and socially. Education in Christian school classrooms is Christ-centred.

Cot. 1:18 " that He Himself might come to have first place in everything.

Good academic training is stressed in a Christian school, as it is essential preparation for life in our complex society, but it is not the only aim of the Christian school. The school helps young people discover the vitality and joy of learning about God's world and His calling to them to live as responsible creatures before Him in it.

Further Information available from
Amana Christian School
Amana School - Education Trust - Christian Centre